So many opponents to the pro-life movement make the claim that pro-lifers are just "pro-birth." But we know that so many pro-life people are fostering, adopting and caring for vulnerable children as their own, across our great state. As opportunities arise to share stories of pro-life families, we would love to share your stories when working with legislators to help people understand how we live out our pro-life ethic.
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We had a family meeting that night and it was unanimous that we wanted to take the children, even though it meant me cutting back or quitting my full-time job to stay home with them. Arrangements were made and they moved in a short time later. That was over a year ago and they are still with us. We don’t know what the future holds for their parents—they are still working on their case plan—but we have formed a good relationship with their parents and see them every week at visitation and text/facetime in between.
We are so glad we became a foster family—it opened up such an amazing blessing for our family and hopefully the children who have stayed with us!
When I was in my late twenty’s I got pregnant. I was not married and not really dating the father of the baby at the time. I found myself seeking council, not because I was contemplating abortion but because I was scared and didn’t know what to do, I myself called the PDHC to seek advice and encouragement The overwhelming support of my family and friends and the father of the baby helped me during what I would consider one of my most challenging times. I had to face questions from others, people talking, and I really found that my self-esteem was at an all-time low. However, the decision to have my baby was the best decision that I ever made in my life. He is now 15 years old and a true blessing. I ended up marrying the father (Joe) and we had two more children along with experiencing three miscarriages. Thankfully our morals, values and faith align and we both stand 100 percent prolife. A few years ago I decided to look into volunteering for PDHC. I went through some of the orientation process but felt that I needed to be more hands on as well as involve my entire family. At that time Joe and I discussed becoming foster parents. We knew we were both prolife but what about the babies that become children and the parents who chose life for their child but are struggling with addiction or circumstances that make them not able to care for these children. I am a labor and delivery nurse and I also saw the struggle many women are facing with addiction. So, Joe and I attended foster parent training and became a licensed foster home. We received our first placement of a 7 month old boy in May 2018. He was a total delight and blessing to our family. We worked with his parents and attended visitation. In April of this year, he ended up going to relatives who received legal custody. We still keep in contact and have formed a life long bond with his relatives and will continue to be an integral part of his life. The value of caring for these vulnerable children and families is insurmountable. My family has learned to love unconditionally and fostering has strengthened our community in the understanding that ALL life is valuable. We would love to share our story with others.