Sign the Petition: End Abortion, Ohio!

I stand with Pro-Life Ohio in calling legislators to pass The Human Life Protection Act! This legislation, spearheaded by Ohio Right to Life, would ban all abortions in Ohio if and when the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. 

Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, an estimated 62 million abortions have been committed in the United States. Last year, 20,102 unborn children lost their lives to legalized abortion in Ohio. Due to the pro-life majority on the United States Supreme Court and the many legal challenges to Roe v. Wade that are advancing through the court system, S.B. 123’s passage is all the more urgent. Since the Human Life Protection Act is unlikely to be challenged in court, it would be able to immediately go into effect, while other legislation that had been previously passed and enjoined would need to file a case to overturn the injunction. 

Please sign this petition to urge the Ohio's legislators to pass S.B. 123, which would protect our society's most vulnerable and end abortion in our state the moment Roe v. Wade is overturned! 

To learn more about the Human Life Protection Act, click here. 




Who's signing

Marcia Marhefka
Edward Tkatch
Anna Granny
Sarah Morrison
Tirina Bieler
Tamara Wasserman
Noah Wright
Rob Mitchell
Jennifer Hickey
Floyd F Radebaugh Radebaugh
Lacey Smith
Susan McInnis
Gary Behling
Mary Beth Poe
Kathryn Behr
Sara Conkey
Jean Balcerzak
Norman Beznoska
Patrick Pugh
thomas Fisher
Theresa Myers
William Keener
Ceci McKay
Mark Macke
Julie Riley
Sheila Freeman
Barbara Serrano
Judi Brown
Joseph Fisher
Christine Ballor
292 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 242 reactions

  • Marcia Marhefka
    signed via 2021-04-14 06:45:06 -0400
  • Edward Tkatch
    signed via 2021-04-13 19:29:30 -0400
  • Anna Granny
    signed via 2021-04-13 14:24:03 -0400
  • Sarah Morrison
    signed via 2021-04-07 21:54:30 -0400
  • Tirina Bieler
    signed via 2021-04-06 09:01:28 -0400
  • Tamara Wasserman
    signed 2021-04-06 08:15:34 -0400
  • Noah Wright
    signed via 2021-04-05 21:08:33 -0400
  • Rob Mitchell
    signed via 2021-04-05 15:02:28 -0400
  • Jennifer Hickey
    signed via 2021-04-03 17:24:21 -0400
  • Floyd F Radebaugh Radebaugh
    signed 2021-04-02 14:27:01 -0400
  • Lacey Smith
    signed 2021-04-02 09:34:31 -0400
  • Susan McInnis
    signed 2021-04-02 09:24:12 -0400
  • Gary Behling
    signed 2021-04-02 09:16:43 -0400
  • Mary Beth Poe
    signed 2021-04-01 23:08:33 -0400
    We need to end the killing of the unborn and recognize they are citizens and they have a right to life.
  • Kathryn Behr
    signed 2021-04-01 18:59:07 -0400
  • Sara Conkey
    signed 2021-04-01 12:40:35 -0400
    Let’s pray for the end of abortion
  • Jean Balcerzak
    signed 2021-04-01 12:34:33 -0400
  • Norman Beznoska
    signed 2021-04-01 12:32:59 -0400
  • Patrick Pugh
    signed 2021-04-01 12:08:53 -0400
  • thomas Fisher
    signed 2021-04-01 11:54:09 -0400
  • Theresa Myers
    signed 2021-04-01 11:30:58 -0400
  • William Keener
    signed 2021-04-01 11:11:44 -0400
  • Ceci McKay
    signed 2021-04-01 11:07:36 -0400
  • Mark Macke
    signed 2021-04-01 10:51:31 -0400
    The right to life is an unalienable right. Therefore under our constitution, for the innocent, it must be protected.
  • Julie Riley
    signed 2021-04-01 10:50:44 -0400
    Please ban abortion!!!
  • Sheila Freeman
    signed 2021-04-01 10:26:01 -0400
  • Barbara Serrano
    signed 2021-04-01 10:23:23 -0400
  • Judi Brown
    signed 2021-04-01 10:20:58 -0400
  • Joseph Fisher
    signed 2021-04-01 10:15:12 -0400
  • Christine Ballor
    signed 2021-04-01 10:14:35 -0400


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