Ohio Right to Life Reaffirms Commitment to Protect the Vulnerable, End Abortion in Ohio
DATE: Friday, October 1, 2021 PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304
COLUMBUS, Ohio- Today, the Ohio Department of Health released the 2020 Ohio Induced Abortion Report, revealing an increase in the number of abortions since the 2019 report. A total of 20,605 abortions were reported, up from 20,102 in 2019. Abortions were overwhelmingly performed on Black women, with that demographic undergoing 43.2% percent of all abortions in Ohio. Black Ohioans comprise 13.1% of Ohio’s total population.
“Ohio’s heartbreaking abortion report brings into focus the devastating effect abortion has on people across Ohio,” said Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life. “Not only have more vulnerable babies been killed by abortion during 2020, more women of color have been sold the lie that they must choose between themselves and their children. Abortion is decimating communities of color.”
White Ohioans comprise 81.7% of Ohio’s total population but only comprised 40.7% of Ohio’s total induced abortions in 2020. This is 1.1% less than the percentage performed on Black women and down 2.8% from 2019. The total percentage of abortions performed on Black women was up 1.5% from 2019.
“The abortion industry doesn’t care about the needs of women and continues to manipulate mothers in order to pad their bottom line,” said Gonidakis. “It is extremely telling that during 2020, as healthcare workers scrambled to protect the most vulnerable during a global pandemic, Planned Parenthood refused to shut down as required by the Governor and instead continued to abort children. The abortion industry is ravaging our families, our communities and our state.”
Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Lucas counties saw a decrease in abortions from 2019 to 2020, while Summit County saw a significant increase in abortions. In 2019, 1,899 abortions were committed in Summit County. That number increased to 2,950 in 2020, an increase of over 1,000 abortions.
“It’s time for Ohio to end abortion.” said Gonidakis. “We at Ohio Right to Life will not rest until every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy has the support she needs and every vulnerable baby is protected under law. We are 100% committed to seeing an end to abortion in our state. We will see to it that the day comes when Ohio’s abortion report simply reads ‘zero.’ ”
To read the 2020 Ohio Abortion Report, click here.
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Conclusion: abortion is racist.
Further conclusion: Those businesses which support abortion (Planned Parenthood, Google, etc.) and political parties which support abortion (Democratic Party) promote racism against African Americans.
Stopping abortion means stopping racism.